As Indianapolis gears up to host one of this year’s biggest events — Super Bowl XLVI — I can’t help but notice all of the marketing and promotion the city has done to ensure that it makes a great impression on all who visit this week. Everywhere I look, I see banners on storefronts welcoming “Super Fans,” ads offering “Super Discounts,” and more. And of course, most of the planning for this event was done well in advance of the festivities all over the circle city. There were committees to put in place every last detail — from the super scarves and the gift baskets and cards in hotel rooms, the “Super Service” training for volunteers and business owners — to the websites and social media outreach. As a branding effort, Indianapolis has done a superb job of presenting itself as a world-class city, worthy of hosting any major event in the future. I am truly impressed and proud of my city!

Indianapolis, Indiana: Marketing a Super City
If you are a business owner in Indianapolis, have you fully taken advantage of all of the opportunities to join in the festivities, even if you cannot afford a game ticket like most of us? Here are some ideas:
- Attend Super-related business events and social events around the community. You never know who you might meet and how it could impact your business. Wear your local company logo’d shirt and stand in line to ride the zipline for some free advertising! 🙂
- Reach out to your customers in a Super Way: Offer a special, game-day or game-week discount in your weekly e-newsletter or in-store.
- Display game-day signage to welcome customers and visitors. Even if you’re not a football fan, you’ll show everyone that you’re in the spirit and give a good impression for those visiting you for the first time.
- Throw a party: Like I mentioned, most people cannot afford a ticket to the big game, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be lots of Super Bowl parties going on all around the city. Use this as a chance to invite some key customers, prospects, partners or vendors to your office or home to watch the game.
- Game-related PR: Is your business doing something special for the Super Bowl? Tell the local media about it, and you might just score some free publicity — maybe even some national coverage.
- Don’t forget the post-game wrap-up: Just because the game is over and the hundreds of thousands of fans have left town, doesn’t mean you can’t capitalize on all of the fanfare. There will be plenty of talk surrounding the game and the city of Indianapolis for weeks after the event. Mention it in your communication or offer a post-game special.
Most importantly, take a lesson from Indianapolis when you are thinking about your marketing and advertising efforts. Even though you don’t have an entire city of volunteers to help promote your brand, you can look at Indianapolis as a good example of a marketing maven that got the job done.
PS: If anyone happens to have any extra Super Bowl tickets for Sunday that they’re willing to give away, I’m available! 🙂
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