Do you struggle with multiple items on your marketing to-do list every year, and can’t seem to get anything checked off the list?
Maybe part of the problem is relinquishing control. Or maybe it’s lack of expertise in a particular area. Instead of trying to carve out the time to figure it out or do it, try delegating the task to a colleague or outsourced marketing professional and give them the okay to get it done. When you insist on being involved in every part of the process, you may find that you’re not getting anything done.
For example, if you’ve been meaning to update your website, but you prioritize your time on client projects or prospecting, you’ll never have the time to get to it. But if you would’ve passed it off to someone else, you could have the job done in a few short weeks.
On another note, don’t forget about the value of your time (is it better spent doing something you’re good at or that you enjoy?). What about the opportunity cost of waiting months or longer to complete the marketing task? What impact will it have on your sales and revenue goals?
Get some outsourced marketing help if you need to, but start knocking things off that marketing to-do list now, before it’s too late. You can start by doing just one thing…
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