As a marketer who helps my Indianapolis clients write content for their blogs, as well as their websites and social media, I find that my own website and blog often get neglected. As I write this, I am scrambling to finish up my work for the day before my first grader gets off the school bus and my evening begins. I’m sure that I’m not alone. As business owners, particularly solo-preneurs, we struggle with juggling multiple aspects of our businesses — from marketing and selling to proposal-writing, accounting and networking. Therefore, it’s natural that we may not complete some of our business priorities due to lack of time. There are just only so many hours in the day.
We’ve all heard the phrase “Focus on what you do best, and outsource the rest.” But how may people are willing to give up that control to another individual or company? Sometimes it’s making that jump that can propel our business forward.
I enjoy writing and posting on social media, so this is something that I want to maintain participating in for my business. But you might feel differently about these things. In this case, you might benefit from one of two options: 1) outsourcing the content to a social media marketer and/or blogger or 2) scheduling a time each month (or week) to hammer out all of your blog posts and automate some of your social media posts. Doing so might save you valuable time, and will give you the reassurance that you are staying visible in the marketplace.
Why is it important to maintain consistency with blogging and social media posts? For one, your search engine visibility will increase if you have more content out there on your blog or website, as well as links to your site from other sources. Secondly, you’ll remain top-of-mind awareness among prospects who are browsing Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for solutions to their business or personal problems, or for a product that meets their needs. Finally, you’ll help increase your following on social media and subscribers to your blog feed or e-newsletter. This can help you in all areas of sales and marketing. If your content becomes stale, your followers may un-follow you. This is the harsh reality of social media. If you don’t have anything interesting to say, people won’t bother sticking around to hear it.
How can I set a schedule for my posts? Start by creating a content strategy for your blog and social media sites. Think of frequently asked questions that your clients often ask, or useful tips, or success stories. What other type of information would they find entertaining? Remember, your posts don’t always have to be about you or your company. Positioning yourself as an expert doesn’t always mean tooting your own horn. Next, determine the best time of day/week/month that you’ll sit down and write or schedule the posts. Again, if you don’t feel comfortable here, a blogging or social media expert can help. Once you have established a schedule and frequency for your posts, make sure you put this on your calendar so that you don’t let “life” get in the way of following through with your publishing goals.
Use your schedule to supplement other efforts. Auto-scheduling your blog and social media posts can be helpful to alleviate the stress of posting daily, but it doesn’t replace real interaction on social media. Part of your efforts should also include commenting on others’ posts, following others, re-posting others’ content, etc. So set aside time as well to devote to these efforts, in addition to your already scheduled content. This will ensure that your posts come across as “fresh” and not auto-generated.
While blogging and social media do take time and effort, with a little preparation and automation, the process won’t be so overwhelming and time-consuming. Let me know how I can help! 🙂