When deciding how to create and spend your marketing budget, it makes sense to take a step back and evaluate your current business, your goals and customers. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you look back on your previous year in business: How did your business perform overall last year? Did we attract new customers? If so, from where? Did we retain or sell to … [Read more...]
5 Marketing Tips You can Start Using NOW
If you are hesitant to begin marketing your business or aren’t sure you’ll have the time, you’re not alone. As a business owner myself, I know how hard it is to find time to network, plan a strategy, handle the sales and the customer service, along with all of the other hats required of a small business owner. But I’d like to give you some quick and easy marketing tips that you can begin … [Read more...]
Why you need blogging, email and social media
Looking for a quick way to boost your marketing this year? I recommend focusing your business on three things: 1. Blogging 2. Email Marketing 3. Social Media Marketing (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, etc.) Let me tell you why I think this is a great strategy for most businesses. 1. Let's start with Blogging: Blogging, as you know, is a content … [Read more...]