When deciding how to create and spend your marketing budget, it makes sense to take a step back and evaluate your current business, your goals and customers. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you look back on your previous year in business: How did your business perform overall last year? Did we attract new customers? If so, from where? Did we retain or sell to … [Read more...]
Doing without a Marketing Plan
Why are small businesses today going without marketing plans (and why is it a bad idea?) When I talk to Indiana small business owners about their marketing strategies, I often get a blank stare. Many of them don't have a formal marketing plan, but rather some marketing ideas they've written down or advertising tactics they've tried. They are looking to me for answers or a "quick … [Read more...]
Creating the Perfect Marketing Strategy without Copying It
Not all businesses are created equal, right? So quit marketing and advertising your business like everyone else. My point is simple: Find the right combination of advertising, marketing, PR and promotional activities that fit the unique offering, customer base and budget of your business, and you'll find success. Don't just jump on the Twitter or Facebook marketing bandwagon because the … [Read more...]