Why writing your own web copy may not be such a good idea
Having been involved in many website projects, I have worked with many Indianapolis graphic design and web development firms over the last five years. We often work together on projects: I handle the copy and SEO and they do the design and back end work.
Do you want to know one of the most common reasons these designers and developers tell me that their website projects stall? Because they are waiting for the completed web content from the client, who insists on writing it themselves.
We all can guess the reason this happens. Busy executive is a decent writer, and since he/she knows the company inside and out, would like to take on the task of writing the web content for the company. The problem? The executive has no time in his or her overly booked schedule to sit down and write the content! Thus the website project drags on longer than the website design firm would like — for weeks and often months.
Time is money. If your website project is stalling because you have not had the time to sit down and write the content, it’s time that you outsource that to a professional copywriter. Having an updated website, even if it was written by someone else, will benefit you more in the end.
Still not convinced? Here are some additional reasons why it might make sense to outsource your website copywriting:
- Your site will be written from an outside perspective: Marketers and web copywriters are paid to write objectively. Your web copy will not have that “all about me” feel and will be more focused on the selling benefits. A good copywriter will take the time to understand the business, industry and sales goals before writing the content.
- Your site will focus on your customers’ needs: Again, an outsourced copywriter with a marketing background may be more likely to write your web copy with your prospects’ needs in mind, engaging them and encouraging them to respond to your call-to-action.
- Your website will be better optimized for search engines: A web copywriter who specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) will do the research before writing and developing your website content, so outsourcing will inevitably help boost your search rankings.
So if you are a web designer who has stalled projects because you are waiting on the client to provide copy, see if you can encourage your client to outsource the content development to an expert. The content can typically be turned around in a matter of days, and will keep your website project moving forward.
If you are one of those clients who is holding up your web designer because you have no time to write the content, consider hiring an outsourced web content writer. You can thank me later. 🙂
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